Raindrop and Vitaflex Therapy
Raindrop Technique
Aromatherapy massage uses the healing power of essential oils to stimulate, relax, detoxify and regenerate the body. Due to their chemical structure, the essential oils are very similar to our skin texture and are therefore recognized by the body and easily accepted. They have multiple and consistent properties such as to clean and regenerate cells and to improve and sustain various biological systems and processes.
Essential oils are inhaled during the massage and absorbed into the skin. These scents have the power to instantly trigger emotions throughout the limbic system. They identify and work on any emotional blockages we might have, making them manifest by relaxing the body and releasing the tension accumulated inside. They transmit the feeling of safety and produce a feeling of ease.
The type of massage you will receive depends on the nature of your problems, general health, your medical history, eating style and preferences. Oils are blended and customized to meet individual customer needs and can be used in improving a wide range of chronic conditions, including stress, fatigue, digestive disorders and joint stiffness. Furthermore, the Raindrop technique has exceptional results in treating spinal conditions such as Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Sciatica etc due to its less invasive nature.
Gary Young’s Raindrop Technique is a revolutionary technique that combines acupressure, reflexology and vitality through the reflexes VITAFLEX-* therapeutic massage * and works well with the Young Living Essential Oils kit. The 2 together manage to reach the body on all levels. With the help of essential oils, an energy pulse can be created by doing circular moves on certain reflex points on the patient’s body. These electrical charges that flow along the nerve pathways have the power to release any body blockages, tensions and imbalances (caused by toxins, damaged tissues, lack of oxygen) accumulated by the patient.
Viruses and bacteria can cause inflammations along the spine. After a while, some of the congested muscles begin to shorten. If this condition persists, the contracted muscles will influence the spine and cause it to deform – the result is the occurrence of scoliosis. In severe cases, the spine is deformed to a spiral staircase. By applying the essential oils on the back, active vegetable ingredients are absorbed into the dorsal and spinal muscles and begin to work on them. After only 20 minutes, the essences are already in every cell of the body and their effect will last long after the therapy, sometimes for days or even weeks. The spine is once again soft and elastic and blockages have either withdrawn or disappeared. This happens as a result of the techniques and the aromatherapy oils used during the massage acts that have released any existing emotional blockages. For more information about essential oils, the best book you can read is the “Healing oils of the bible” by Dr. David Stewart.
Vita Flex Technique
Vita Flex Technique means “vitality through the reflexes”. It is a specialized form of hand and foot massage that is exdeptionally effective in delivering the benefits of therapeutic grade essential oils throughout the body. It is said to have originated in Tibet thousands of years ago and was perfected in the 1960’s by Stanley Burroughs long before acupuncture was popular in Western medicine.
It is based on a complete network of reflex points that stimulate all the internal body systems. Essentials oils are applied to contact points, and energy is released through electrical impulses created by contact betweent he fingertips and reflex points.
This electrical charge follows the nerve pathways to a break or clog in the electrical circuit usually caused by toxins, damaged tissues, or loss of oxygen. As with acupressure, there are more than 5,000 Vita Flex reflex points thoughout the human body (compared to 365 acupuncture points as usually taught), encompassing the entire realm of body and mind, that are capable of releasing many kinds of tension, congestion and imbalances and the essential oils enhance the systems of the body and deeply energizes and detoxifies the body as well as balances the electrical frequency of the body.
In contrast to the steady stimulation of reflexology, Vita Flex uses a rolling and releasing motion that involves placing fingers flat ont he skin rolling onto the fingertips, and continuing over onto the fingernail using medium pressure. Then moving forward about half the width of the figner, this rolling and releasing technique is continually repeated until the Vita Flex point, or area, is covered. This movement is repeated over the area three times. Combine this technique with 1-3 drops of therapeutic grade essential oil applied to those areas of the feet that correspond to the system of the body you wish to support (see diagram). Rapid and extraordianry results are experienced when combining essential oils with Vita Flex stimulation as it increases the effect of both.
Here is how it works: the electrical charges produced by Vita Flex induce currents along the nerve pathways. The molecules of essential oils are also electrical in nature and move along nerve pathways. Illness is often the result of blocked nerve pathways. Vita Flex helps move the healing molecules of essential oils along these pathways. When a gap or malfunction is encountered along the way, the oils and and the electrical charge jump-start faulty electrical circuitry, helping to restore proper function. the points serve as master control keys to restore normal body functions. “A powerful essence connects us to the spiritual, to the divine. A sacred fragrance opens pathways and clears distractions. Now our hearts can communicate with that which is holy.
Now our minds can hear the whisper of peace that will bring us comfort and enlightenment.” ~ Young Living Essential Oils What is a Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil? A wonderful form of alternative healing is the use of essential oils on the body either in massage or applied in specific locations on the body. Essential Oils are the lifeblood of the plant with very similar chemical structure to human blood, which gives them the unique ability to penetrate cell membranes.
Essential Oils are subtle, volatile, concentrated liquids distilled from plants, flowers, trees and roots. Therapeutic grade essential oils are oxygenating and help transport nutrients to the cells of our body, helping us to maintain optimum health and well-being. When topically applied to the body, essential oils can travel throughout the body in a matter of minutes.
Essential Oils (the lifeblood of the plant) and human blood share several common properties – the oils support the body’s natural defenses and assist in maintaining normal cellular regeneration.
Therapeutic essential oils support the immune, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous, and other body systems in the human body and are high in antioxidants.
Only labeled AFNOR Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils have this therapeutic ability because all of the chemical constiuents are still present after the distillation process.